This is a review of Somavedic, something I purchased a while back to test out. So, what is Somavedic? A scam? Does it really works as good as everyone claims or just another device to prey on people and their fears in order to make a profit for the owners? Let´s look into it!
Product: Somavedic
Website: ( Get 10% discount with the code: NOHYPE )
Owner: Ivan Rybjansky (founder)
Who is it for: Investors in their spiritual and physical health, people who like to meditate, anti 5G
Price: Depends on what model (see further down in review)
Overall rating: [usr 4.8]
What is somavedic?
Somavedic is a lamp, or maybe more correct a device that looks like a lamp. So what is the big deal with this device? Well, first of all there is a lot of people who claim this lamp to not be a normal lamp but more like a magical lamp, and believe it or not, 99% of it´s users claim it have made dramatical improvements to their life.
Imporvements to your life from a lamp? What kind of improvements?
A wide spectrum of improvements actually such as for example: Making more money, Better sleep, Clear mind, Less anger, Healing of different disseases, Better realtionships, and the list goes on…
However, most people (me included) probably decided to give this “lamp” a try due to it´s EMF (electro magnetic fields) and 5G protective abillities. That and the lamps ability to structure water and your blood is probably what have made this lamp device so popular in the last 2-5 years.
How does it work?
The way this device helps you is by changing the atmosphere around you, or more correct, taking you back to the natural atmosphere, like we are mean to be in. Instead of being surrounded by wifi signals and other polutions in the air we are of course meant to thrive in a natural enviroment.
So that is a good way of explaining Somavedic, it creates a natural athmosphere around you, like a bubble of protection. Depending on what model you choose that bubble can be either smaller or bigger (see further down in this review)
What technology is this?
It might come as a surprise that the technology is actually very natural, in fact it is a mixture of both precious metals as well as different semi-precious metals and stones and chrystals. That is basically it.
A balanced mix of that together with the special “blue light” lamp is what radiates into the enviroment around the lamp and neutralizes the harmful waves and replace them with waves you, your family (and pets) will feel much better in.
Can this really protect against 5G?
Well, they are clear on their website that not all models will protect you against 5g, they have specifical models for that, the other models does at least protect against the radio waves created from 4G and 3G witch have been proven to be harmful as well.
However, if you want to have the full package protection from all of them you want to try out some of the newest models that have the ability to protect from 5G as well as 3 and 4G as well.
**Read more on this page
Who is the owner?
Ivan Rybjansky is the person who created the first Somavedic back in april 2011, he had a vision that if his invention could just help one person, it would be worth the effort. He ended up selling over 500 devices the first year.
The rest is history as the good old saying goes.
Fast forward to today and there are tens of thousands of Somavedic in different models that helps people all over the world.
Well done Ivan!
Any science backing this up?
Somavedic offer scientifically proven protection against: 3G, 4G, 5G, EMF, and even Radon.
It also structure your water for the better as well as your blood, or any other living creature in your home such as your pet or even plants!
On their website you got a whole section that goes into the science and the lab tests that have been made and the conclusion from them. You can more about that by visiting this page
The price (and different models)
The biggest hurdle for most people is the price.
I can understand that as the Somavedic isn´t cheap… at least not the “better” models that protect against 5g (not all of them do) but if you are looking for other benefits you will find lower cost alternatives that can help you with other things.
Below is one of the comparison tables on some of the lower cost models:

The price range all the way from a couple of hundred bucks all the way up to $5,600 for the most expensive model.
The most expensive model is made of gold, so it can actually be considered as a gold investment as well as a health investment haha
Payment alternatives
Somavedic offers many different payment alternatives from Credit card to Paypal, and have recently also added Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and a few other cryptocurrencies aswell as a form of payment.
You can see all the payment alternatives offered in the screenshot above.
6o-Day Money Back Guarantee!
This is something that shows how confident The Somavedic team are in their own products as it is not often a product offer such a long money back guarantee period. 30-days is the norm but 60-days is more rare, and this is a big plus (at least in my book) and worth to take advantage of. Try Somavedic out yourself for 2 months, and if you aren´t happy with the results simply ask for your money back and send the device back to them, no questions asked.
**You also got a 5-years warranty + ONLY 2-4 days worldwide shipping time!
Note: You have to pay for the shipping if you make use of the money back guarantee and decide to return your item
Is Somavedic a Scam?
So, is Somavedic a scam? No, of course not, it is not a scam, it got real owners and a real physicall address. They have been in business since 2011 selling their devices all over the world and have pretty much only had super happy clients since then. If they would be a scam we would have found that out by the users, instead we found that as many as 99% of people who have tried Somavedic instead love the benefits they get from using it.
Of course, everything is not for everyone, and everything might not work the same on you as it does on me or someone else, we are all different when it comes to how sensetive we are. Just like some people feel the negative effects of EMF while others don´t feel a thing. But it is absolutely a legit product and a legit business, not only that but also great customer service and even money back guarantee.
Something that probably confirms the legacy the most (in my opinion) when it comes to these products are when you look at what users of the product have to say, and that leads us to the reviews and ratings of Somavedic:
Online reviews and ratings
Something I always do, and you should to before jumping on the next “shiny object” online is to look for reviews and ratings from people who have tried the product or service you are interested in yourself.
As always I did the same with Somavedic, and that was also one big reason why I decided to try it out. Because it is not often you see something with such a high customer satesfaction. I was surprised (and impressed) that 99% of users are actually more than happy with their magic lamps!
Below is a typical example from a great team member of our NoHypeInvest team, and what he wrote to me on e-mail about his exerience after 4 days of using his new Somavedic:
Exerpt from the e-mail he sent me:
Hello there! Just wanted to write you what are my feelings, opinion after four days of using Somavedic Medic Green Ultra. I didn’t know what to expect as I have been looking for something like this for quite long time as my knowledge about EMF and its really bad effects on our halth grew. So first night I experienced OOBE if You know what is it. Slowly every morning I realized that I am NOT TIRED AND IRRITATED every morning like before, especially in Finland where electromagnetic smog is crazy and nights are long in winter. And I am more focused, calm and relaxed all the time. It helps me to maintain tasks and things during the day. This is just crazy, we are still testing it here but in my opinion it is just great. Also my blocked sinuses(for years) are unblocking every morning. And I noticed that my body wants to do fasting, drinking more of this structurized water! This is really helping, everyone should try this, really. My wufe says she does not feel extraordinary effects but I thin she is going though some detox now. My feelings are just great about this device. I am noticing so many things changing, small things but important, at least to me. Thank You for this opportunity, without your info I would not know this device at all.
My own personal experience
My Somavedic experience have been a positive from the start, first of all they impressed me with the shipping time, I ordered it on a Monday and it arrived on Friday. Not often I get delivered packages that fast even when I order domestic.
It came in a very nice box and I opened it carefully, as the lamp shell is made of glas and I didn´t want to scrats my precious haha, as I also ordered a couple of Somadevic portable together with my Medic Green model those where found in the same package as well.
I had already decided on what spot i was going to place my medic green, so I started by rearanging a bit in my room before I plugged it in. I was very exited when I did and it was nice to see the kind of light it gave out. Then I went to sit in the sofa maybe 3 meters from my new “green friend” and believe it or not only after around 3-4 minutes I started to feel very calm, then 10-15 minutes later my ears started to “burn”, this is something I have experienced a few times in my life before, mainly when I consume Ginseng.
Not sure why I get that reaction from Ginseng, might be some kind of allergy, not sure. However, I actually love the feeling when I get “hot ears” haha might sound strange but it is true, I really enjoy it.
That was the reaction the first day.
My experience after the first week:
To be honest I didn´t know what to expect, but as I had seen that so many (99%) of other people using it was VERY pleased I just had to give it a try. I now started to understand why they praised it so much… Because this mystical device have improved my wellbeing… and not only my own wellbeing but my mothers as well…
Here is the thing:
Somavedic PROs & CONs
It might be wise to compare the positives against the negatives to get a better overall view of something, right? Below I have listed some obvious ones on both sides of the spectrum so to speak:
- Protects you against 3G, 4G and 5G, EMF,
- Protects you against viruses & bacteria, parasites, molds and free radicals, radon, etc
- Protects against stress
- Structure your drinking water (optimize the PH level)
- Structure your blood
- (Scientifically Protection)
- 99% customer satesfation rate
- Full 60-day money back guarantee
- The 5G protection models might not be “cheap” for many people
- You can not fly to the moon with the device
Final words and verdict
Somavedic will not solve all your problems, however, it might help you to solve them better so to speak. This is no magic, even if it feels magic, but in the same time absoolutely natural, like things should be if you understand what I mean.
We (humans) aren´t supposed to thrive in electro magnetic fields and radiation, we function way better close to nature, and this lamp/device gets us closer to nature even if we live in a city, or in a place where wifi signals interupt our well-being.
It is of course up to you if you give this a try or not, I can only speak for myself and I am very happy with what this magical lamp helps me with. So I would absolutely recommend that you give this a try at least if you feel that this resonates with you.
In short, Somavedic have impressed me and I am very happy I purchased it and already know that I won´t send it back and ask for a refund.
==> Try Somavedic Out Yourself & Learn More Here <==
Use the code: NOHYPE for a 10% discount as many times as you like!
I hope you found this short review of Somadevic to be helpful and that you now know what it is and that it is not a scam.
If you have one yourself then please share your experience in the comment section below as it can help others make better decisions.
Please tell us what model you got and so on. Also, if you got any questions about this then I would be more than happy to answer them!
I wish you the best!
John, founder of NoHypeInvest
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/Best regards
I got a Vedic over a month ago. Sleep definitely improved and i feel like i have more energy during the day! Water also feels more soft after harmonization. The only downside i can think of is the price of somavedics, but long term a good investment for your health and wellbeing.
First of all, thank you for your comment and for sharing your experience with us!
Have to say that I agree on the benefits you say, those are some of the main ones for me aswell!
Happy you feel it was a good long term investment and that the value overcomes the price!
Thank you again!
I ordered 3 lamps: 2 amber and one sky.
One lamp does not light up at all, and the 2nd amber only lights at the bottom.
How do I return them for replacement lamps?
Thank you Cynthia for your comment!
Sorry to hear that 2 of 3 was damaged, simply send an e-mail to and ask them where you should send your devices to get them replaced by non-broken ones.
P.S. By the way, how long did it take for you to get them after you made the order?
Hi Cynthia, how did it go, did you get the broken lamps replaced yet?
Our new Vedic model turned up just before Christmas and we are very happy with the product. We got it mainly for the EMF protection but have since really got into its water structuring abilities. I’ve seen some of Masaru Emoto’s work with water in the past so was really interested in that part of the lamp. We fill all water into glass jugs and leave it next to the lamp sometimes overnight but I believe it can structure water in less than half an hour.
We are 100% happy with ours and I would highly recommend Somavedic to anyone that is interested in it
Thank you Glen for sharing your experience!
I do the same as you and put all the water I consume next to my “medic ultra” and think you got a point that it structures the water as fast as in around 30 min! Funny you mention it, I got mine for the same reason as you (mainly) to have protection against emf.
Very happy to hear you have had a good experience with your lamp and that you find it valuable.
Thank you again brother!
How long will the somavedics keep working? If they are guaranteed for 5 years, will they stop working then? Asking because they are expensive.
Thank you.
First of all, thankl you for your comment!
Hmm good question, and have no idea, have only had mine for 2,5 years but so far it is working just as good as when it was new! If I had to guess I would say they probably work for longer than 5 years, maybe you should ask their support if you really want to go to the bottom with this.
Thank you again!
Without power, the device will work for an eternity with 60% effect.
> I will update this review with more later as it has only been 1 week for me with this new “green experience” so to speak.
It would have been very nice with an update after two years use.
Thanks for the shared stories!
Thank you for your comment brother!
Did you get yourself one as well?
I’ve been using the Amber model for just over a year. I felt improvement to my health very soon after beginning use.
Less pain. More energy. Fewer heart symptoms.
I am very grateful to the inventor of Somavedic…..and to John at no Hype.
That is great! I also felt improvements on the same day I started up my Somavedic (like mentioned in this review)
Please feel free to come back here and tell us if you have gotten any long time positive effects as well!